Nutritional data

You can see the following information for each dish from the Dish List:

1. A photo of the dish

2. Allergens – list of allergens that the dish contains

3. Type of diet – to which type of diet does the dish belong

4. Nutrition Fact Labels – a label showing what nutrients and other ingredients (to limit and get enough of) are in the food. When generating our Nutrition Fact Labels we follow guidelines by both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture Food (USDA) ensuring our nutrition analysis software is in accordance with the latest US food regulations because these regulations are known as the strictest and we use the world’s largest database containing almost 819,000 grocery items with all nutritional elements (more than 250 nutritional elements for each food ingredient) and used by more than 25,000 restaurants in the USA for their nutritional calculations.. You can see an example of a Nutrition Fact Label in the picture below, and a detailed explanation at

5. Ingredients – what ingredients the dish contains

6. Serving – portion size

7. Detailed nutritional analysis – values of 240 nutritional elements that the product contains

8. How long would it take to burn off calories from that mealhow long it takes to walk, run or cycle to burn off the calories you would have consumed if you ate that meal
